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The living memory? Yes, why not?!

In the past few months, I've been searching. Searching for what I still want to do professionally. What I don't want to do as well. And I find that I'm not able to find the answers on my own. So I'm looking for help. Help from a professional coach.

And this turns out to be an extremely interesting process!

We talk about identity, inspiration, energy, vulnerability, vision, strength.. and so much more. Stimulating and also quite intense

During one of our sessions, my coach refers to me as “the living memory of the company.” Well, at the end of this year I will have 20 years of seniority with one and the same employer. Never thought in 2002 that I would still be there 20 years later. No, I have to rephrase this : Never thought in 2002 that I would enjoy myself for 20 years. Because I have had beautiful, varied and filled years. Only… now I'm struggling with the next 20 years?!

But so, that 'living memory'. When he said this, I was immediately like “Yes, this really makes sense! I often feel that way." And am I OK with this? Well yes, I'm pretty OK with this. And it's surely sounds better than 'being part of the furniture..."

First of all, I do have a fairly good memory. And I find it valuable that I still know HOW certain problems were solved, and what was involved, WHERE interesting information can be found, WHO to contact for problems or for more information, and WHY the company made certain choices , …

New colleagues from outside bring in a wealth of innovation. And a lot of time and energy is spent on training and knowledge transfer to those new comers. But how do you pass on 20 years of experience and "memory"?

I really don't have a solution for it. It is of course a challenge for any company to 'manage knowledge'. So-called 'knowledge management'. And there are some systems to organise this, structure it as well. But honestly, I have no experience with it.

Knowledge management = Process of effectively creating, capturing, distributing and sharing an enterprises’ information assets. This might include documentation, policies, procedures, and any other relevant expertise and experience provided by individual workers across an organisation.

Knowledge management systems = Knowledge base enrichments that allow users of the knowledge management system to leverage different applications like collaboration, integration, agent assistance,

I am very curious though what the future will bring. Because despite the fact that the human brain is unique, I also strongly believe that AI will make its big breakthrough in the coming years and will find its way on all levels. And this - together with the human brain - will lead to beautiful things. Then the 'living memory' will get supported by an artificial memory.

Until then, I am happy to walk around as 'living memory'. And I am also the living proof that my memory as an over-45 woman (see blog) is still more than OK.

I mostly remember :

The LIVING memory. Alive & kicking!!


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